Friday, April 19, 2013

My Little Brother!

Hello guys! This post is going to be about a little man that turns
to a grown smart toddler named, Haris.

Isn't that cute! Haris is in my dad's big old shoe.


Winter's here!

He's so confused because of the puzzle.

Here we are at school......

.....With his grandma

Ouch! The Dentist.

Boogie Wonder Land!

He's the only one in the family who hasn't have
a glasses. YET!

His Name.

Can't walk.....On a two-tired seat, get it.

Sooo Windy!


What Happend!?!

I'm so chubby! and watching "Hi-Five" on the computer.



Picture Day!

Thanks for reading my 3rd post and this
man is my brother!
Have a nice day!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sweet Memmories

This is how I look like when I was 2 years old.
"Living in the hot beach!"

This is the first picture of me trying to smile.

Me near a river.

Alya (My best cousin) is the same height,lenght, and witdh as me!
Yay! I smiled! :)

This is when I started to cutely pose!


Cute Fashion Girls!

Aww. I stopped the highly cute pose. :(

Hey! Back to the posing.


Phtt! Stop posing take a break.

"Take a picture of me being adorable!"

Winter's here! Brr!

Space Center! It looks like they're staring at the camera.

In the ship.

Me and Alya building a Domino Flag.

This part is the sad part, I started being SHY!!!

This the Picture Day,

Friday, April 12, 2013

My Random Story

Once apon a time, a group of people was in the basketball game,
and one person said...

"Keep the cameras rolling on the dance floor guys! or you're fired!"

The other guy beside him looked back and said "Yeah! What he said!"

A few momments later, the camera guy was a zombie!
What a shock!

So, the directors beat him up and take control of the camera.
Took some photos of the cheerleaders!?!

(gasp!) It's the amazing Boogie Cats from BB Owen!

...Then back to the cheerleaders.

(gasp) I think he likes the amazing Boggie Cats more!

They're dancing to a Micheal Jackson song!

                After that, the directors found a new HUMAN camera man and they boggie till the end.
                                                Thanks for reading my 2nd post of my blog.